Jesus did take away all our burdens on the cross, and He said He will give a new burden (Matthew 11:30). We can typically understand of this 'new burden' to be one out of ordinary. It is not that of people of this world. The burden of the cross it to set people free from their own burden. People carry many burdens and do not have a chance to carry the burden of Jesus. Thus the burden of Jesus, the cross which He promised to place upon our shoulders is this - the burden of souls!
Pray for the lost souls of this universe. God will grant His vision of this world getting saved one day and that would greatly benefit your peace!
Forget the flesh, be in the spirit.
These articles are not to make you comfortable in the flesh. The flesh is weak, no matter how beautiful it is. he goal is to save the spirit. When you have your spirit saved, and able to take up Jesus' cross, then you become a part of the Universal Body of Christ! No more your fleshly weaknesses could harm you. Like how you can bathe a smell away, you can pray your sins away. There is no justification for the flesh, nor any condemnation for the spirit. The High Priest, Jesus Christ is there to speak for your spirit.
I don't care if you are beautiful. Even if you are ugly, Christ loves you. Moreover, I only have te limits of a brother, when it comes to your spirit. You have to manage your own flesh. You have to pray concerning the spirit.
You have been born again, not to obtai favour from Go based on your actions. Do not feel disgrace when you fumble and fliol because of your flesh.
Since there is no re-repentance (Hebrews 6:4-6), there is no point of complaining the flesh. You will be beautiful still, whether you are born again or not! If you shine brighter, that is because of the cream which you use! There are many creams available in the market!
There are a million ways to express your love to Jesus, one way to please Him. Your Respect for His Blood will let you know the treasures through His Salvation.
You will love my article "Blessings for Each Day" in the same blog. Encourage others to read this too!
Pray for the lost souls of this universe. God will grant His vision of this world getting saved one day and that would greatly benefit your peace!
Forget the flesh, be in the spirit.
These articles are not to make you comfortable in the flesh. The flesh is weak, no matter how beautiful it is. he goal is to save the spirit. When you have your spirit saved, and able to take up Jesus' cross, then you become a part of the Universal Body of Christ! No more your fleshly weaknesses could harm you. Like how you can bathe a smell away, you can pray your sins away. There is no justification for the flesh, nor any condemnation for the spirit. The High Priest, Jesus Christ is there to speak for your spirit.
I don't care if you are beautiful. Even if you are ugly, Christ loves you. Moreover, I only have te limits of a brother, when it comes to your spirit. You have to manage your own flesh. You have to pray concerning the spirit.
You have been born again, not to obtai favour from Go based on your actions. Do not feel disgrace when you fumble and fliol because of your flesh.
Since there is no re-repentance (Hebrews 6:4-6), there is no point of complaining the flesh. You will be beautiful still, whether you are born again or not! If you shine brighter, that is because of the cream which you use! There are many creams available in the market!
You will love my article "Blessings for Each Day" in the same blog. Encourage others to read this too!