11 January 2011

What is Faith?

                 Faith is something spiritual, what you get from God as an exchange for what you are ready to give away for the glory of God.
                You are expected to pay your God, His tithes. Tithes, is a religious term for a portion of one's own earnings. If it is your money, then tithe is something which God can claim from it, if you confess your LORD your God. Your job is only to return His belongings from your pocket. It is His money.
                Jesus Christ advised the Jews to pay their taxes to their physical ruler - the Caesar. Likewise, God is one's spiritual Ruler and He needs His portion of goods to keep Him aware your in the circle. Jesus advised the Jews to pay their taxes to Caesar, by pointing out the image of Caesar in their coin. Further still, He asks them to give away what belongs to God, in the same verse (Matthew 22:21).
                Periodic offering of tithe is the best way, I think, to pay God His dues. Why has it to be money? Money is respected by everyone who have physical needs. God expects man to give what even an unbeliever respects, and He will give you what you want.
                In short, faith is what God gives in the spiritual medium, for your giving in the natural medium. With that faith, we claim various benefits.
                Can paying tithes to God prove to be useful to beat every crisis in life. Yes! God can deliver you out of every crisis if you pay your tithes regularly. Do you want to know why? I will tell you. Have you seen people going to the doctors, pay a sum to them, take medicines and get healed? if you have seen that, then read on. You will find two things in operation. They go to the doctor in assurance that they have money as an exchange for his professional duty. They believe in paying for their health. Why don't you (believers) tithe for your health? You have a God and they don't [realise it]. You can sacrifice to God what they worship to be a god. People pay for health, household needs, transportation, education, lodging, etc., to different people and institutions. How wonderful it would it be for a believer to give away all dues to one place itself! Nowadays churches have their websites and online money-transfer methods. How easy would it be to pay off your tithes regularly though the internet? Money is god for unbelievers, [they say]. They have to pay Rs. 40 to enjoy happiness for 2 and 1/2 hours in a cinema theatre. Where do you get your joy? Have you got to move out of your seat to get it? Likewise, God can prove to be effective in delivering you only if you pay your tithes regularly. If your wife is earning by stitching or making woollen garments for neighbourhood children, ask her to pay her’s. If your child is making money by blogging and other stuff, ask the child to pay his/her tithes so that God can reward. If you rent a house for additional income, increase your tithes as per the excess.
                The successful fact to bring a financial harvest is that, you have to receive more than what you have sowed or expected to harvest at the time of sowing. First you sow, then God shall decide upon the number of times He would multiply it. Satan is rapidly functioning these days and people are made beggars in no time. That is the proof that God can make ordinary people into rich men. There are possibilities that a believer can inherit the sinners' property. Your duty is to sow! It's God's duty to multiply. But make sure you share with others, what you have received as a previous harvest. The ultimate purpose of any resource on earth is to satisfy the needs of human beings on earth.

10 January 2011

The Journey for a life-time - JESUS

Do you want a change from your routine lifestyle?
Do you live in sickness?
Do you live in sin and bondage?
Do you want to live with an inner freedom?

For any question regarding life, in which you want change, the answer is simple - Jesus. Jesus is the same ever. He is the same all the time. But do you know what will make you like Him? Before that, do you know what Jesus likes? The Bible calls Him Prince of Peace. What is that you want now? Do you prefer a $1 million in the bank or peace? What is the use if your money is big and you lost your peace in the wind? Can that money be exchanged for anything that will give you peace forever? Do not worry the answer for it is found in a verse in the Bible.

John 14:6             "... I am the way, the truth, and the life...”

Jesus lives and loves to make you live. Do know what makes you feel stuck up with one thing and unable to see progress in any particular subject? That is clearly because you are trying to do it by yourself or with your own resources.
                I've seen people coming to Jesus, when their resources have emptied. They come to Him when they find no where to go. His presence is subtle that people do not notice Him in this world. Why is this ignorance prevailing? There is everything in the presence of Jesus. If you invite Jesus for a tea-party, He would come and in His company would no doubt, give you thrill and excitement. You will enjoy it. He will have tea with you and at last, when the bill arrives, He would look at you. He would like you to pay the bill. You know why? It is you only who had invited Him, and hence He would expect you to pay for Him. Many people think that Jesus will pay the bill (and that's why they invite Him!). How can you leave Jesus in such a state, particularly when He dislikes to carry His own money-purse. He comes from Heaven and you are an earthly being, and you expect Him to pay in rupees or in dollars. It is too silly what these humans do, inviting a super-guest and leaving Him embarrassed before the waiter. After you settle the bill, He would give you something and then leave. People get some times so confused and bewildered that they do not open and see while He is there itself. He would not explain about everything that's inside it. It is not a cheque or a free movie pass. it is something supernatural that only Jesus can give. Even if you rush behind Him or pull His garments to ask Him about that which He gave you, he would readily answer. He would not tell anything special if you do not do anything special. He likes to be forceful, but beware be not foolish. People confuse themselves and act stupid before the Lord of lords! Lo, for some teachers! I believe you will not be able to understand Jesus only by looking at His actions. Gestures, signs and actions are for unbelievers. Words are for believers.
                You will or will not realise that I have to say about that He gives you when He's leaving. If you're clever you'll know what is spoken of here. Remember me saying that anything can be useful only if you have enough patience to handle it? Patience comes through peace. Yes, He would give you peace, His peace, that surpasses what can be obtained through effort and understanding.

To Be Continued.