29 December 2010

Personal Notes on the Bible

Genesis 1:28
God's plan for man is to be fruitful and to multiply. Man can multiply with Eve and be fruitful concerning tilling of soil. But he did not have to work until sweat comes from his brow. See an interesting fact here that, Adam had authority over all things of the earth, but not earth itself. He cannot command things into existence or destruction. His command was over the living creatures of Garden of Eden. Man had to work in the Garden of Eden, but not hard.

Genesis 3:1
The serpent tempted only Eve, who was formed only after God instructed Adam received the instruction concerning the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 3:2
The woman did not grow suspicious when the serpent spoke to her. She did not have any idea that the serpent was evil.

Note 2
Sin is a unlawful way of attaining things that belong to the world.

Genesis 3:3
God was spirit in the Garden, hence death according to the spirit was only 'spiritual death'. God should have not meant what is death in the flesh or soul. God limited the days of man for His convenience, as He says in Genesis 6:3 that He will not contend with man forever.

Genesis 3:5
To open the eyes means to be 'able to understand'. Good and evil can be known and could be subject to understanding. God's commandment to 'be fruitful and to multiply' does not require understanding for one to fulfill it. By eating the forbidden fruit, they understood good and evil which were in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had perverted the divine plan of God which God had initially for man. Later God felt sorry for it. Eve did not think twice. Adam had thus become a pity!

Genesis 3:6
Adam and Eve had exposed themselves to lie, deception and lust in the Garden of Eden. They committed sin by not resisting to it. Adam was deceived by his own wife. Jesus was betrayed by His own disciple!

 Women should be careful of fanciful creations and fancies. Men should be careful about their wives getting deceived by these. I believe man has to decide to speak to his wife concerning fanciful things or fancies at his own risk. Eve found the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil, desirable to make one wise. Eve was attracted only when she saw the second time. It became special to make her wise.

These are personal notes written on the Bible. It is for your study purpose only. I am not responsible if it contradicts you and/or any other preacher's commentary/teaching in this world. This is purely for the basis of study and provided for blessings of God. If you have any queries, please contact me.

28 December 2010

Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ was born in a town called Bethlehem, in the country Israel. We know about Jesus who was instrumental in the development of the religion called Christianity. Most people think like that. Well, we see many religions around the world are not named after the founders. Christianity is not founded by Jesus. The early followers of Jesus, known as disciples, were called as 'Christians', to be differentiated from other religious priests and teachers. Jesus belonged to a community called 'the Jews'. The Jews are a special people, when it comes to God and religion.

     The Jews had many teachers and other religious persons, who handled their law, often known as the Torah. The Jewish people were very conservative with respect to what they believed to be religion and godliness. They performed various rituals and offerings to please God, whom they worshipped.

     Jesus was born and raised up in this community. He grew up strong in spirit and wisdom. He was liked by all. By the age of thirteen, He was able to speak to scholars and reason out the scriptures with them.

     Although we saw about the life of Jesus till now, w have to understand the purpose for which He was born.

     Jesus Christ, was not called as how we call Him now. He was just Jesus! The Christ which is after His name which was given initially, was based on the work which He was to complete. The purpose of Jesus Christ was clearly predicted in the following verse spoken by a prophet named Malachi.

Malachi 4:2
     But to you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

     Before Jesus was born, the Jews worshipped 'Jehovah'. The Jews believed that God would send His 'Sun of Righteousness' to this world, as said by the above verse. They believed that a Holy One would be born to save the world from their sins. The people had to follow religious laws and restrictions to clense themselves, so that they can become acceptable to God. They found it very difficult to complete the law, which God gave them through a man called Moses. Now, God wanted to give them the Way, so that they would keep the law, without going through the hardships of bearing it.
     God sent His only Son, which He had begotten, to this world. The Scripture John 3:16 tells us about this.

John 3:16
     For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

      As I said, the people found it difficult to keep their law. We all know that sin is something which is based on a moral code, which comes on failing to fulfill. The problem is that, int eh law itself, is given a condition. If one fails in keeping even one law, then it is a transgression or sin. Then imagine, how difficult it would have been to those who were under it?
     Jesus was born and through His death on the cross, and the resurrection on the third day, we have been saved from all sins. For more on sin, read the article titled 'Sin' in this blog.

All scriptures in this article are taken from the American King James version of the Bible.

22 December 2010



Power Statement #2

Power Statement #3


Sin is the product of disobedience in man. Man disobeyed God, thus sin entered the world. Is sin today around you? Yes, if you still belong to the earth.

       When sin entered the Paradise, which God created to keep man and his wife in, He had to chase them out. Sin entered through man's act of disobedience, and God had to cast out man from His Paradise.
       How sad! Even if you or I sin, God refuses to see us. He is of a clean, pure nature that He refuses to see sin. Did we sin?
       Have you seen how heredity functions in man? If a father is stout and his son also being so, we call that heredity. Such is also sin. Sin, over the time being in human nature has increased so much that we often get question, "Is there a God?"
       God is there, but he cannot be where sin is.


      Even you have stopped sinning, you may feel uncomfortable or guilty. This is because of a concept which I will introduce later. I believe, if you really want to come out of sin (come out of the discomfort and shame), I can help you.
      Please understand that when you are honest with yourself, you can see the change soon. It depends on your spirit. If you are a born-again spirit, you will not feel guilty. If you have not accepted Christ, you will continue to feel sorry for an age-old sin of yours.


     Please feel free to contact me, to know more about this.

Mark 3:27
            No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

     Jesus gives us a hint or a clue to the concept of 'binding the strong man'. The human being being the house, then sin becomes the strong man. The strong man has the ability to hold fast to the things of the house, thereby rendering the inmates as well as the outmates ineffective in removing objects away from it.
     Sin is the tool by which Satan uses to keep the free-ness in motion in one's life. You do not have to feel worried for your sin. Jesus has set you free. It is your part to do the necessary things to receive the finished-work. We can keep sin in control by prayer. For your prayer requests, do contact me at my e-mail ID.
      Jesus advises people to pray for one another, for effective deliverance from sin. Let join hands to fight sin. Let us keep ourselves free from sin.
      There are a lot of things in the topic of 'Sin'. I have just begun the process of writing these blog-articles. I may find it useful if I could receive comments, suggestions, etc.
       Let me know if we can improve this blog by adding more features and please contribute on your side for the welfare of our community.
      God gave man some commandments to follow, in order to please Him, and to stay happy. When one fails to keep the commandments, even one of them, sin enters them and defiles them. To defile is to make unclean or ugly. If the people around you are ugly and contaminated, then there is sin. Sin is that which makes things ugly. It is not dust or rubbish which alone makes things ugly, but there are many that also make a man dirty.
     If sin makes a man dirty, then it must be cleansed. The way of cleansing is brought about by means of sacrifices and other rituals in the Old Testament, which contains the laws of the Jews. There had to be some kind of offering, to cleanse themselves from the sin which has come upon them.
     The demands as per the law given by Moses, who God gave to teach people, was too difficult for the people to fulfill. The eagerly waited for a remedy, so that they would not have the burden of accomplishing their tasks by themselves. God had to intervene to accomplish this.

John 3:16
     For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

     God wanted to save people from their sin, and to that without much burden. God wanted to help man and hence, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for their sins

20 December 2010

Wisdom Dynamites

  God gave man 2 things to do in his life - to be fruitful and to multiply. The failure of man to use God's provisions is the success of the devil. To beat the devil is the purpose of God in your life. besides your enjoyment of the things of the earth, the hidden secret of completing the God-given task is in employing demons to do your work.
The secret in accomplishing God's work for you in this earth is in employing demons to the work. Remember, demons cannot work for God, but they can work for you!



The deception which formed over ages of time, can be broken with an explosion that lasts only for a second!



Until you get it, you have to kill time for it [concerning others]. When you get it, that will save time for you [concerning others].

YOU CANNOT ACT VIOLENT AND FOOLISH. Don't act foolishly thinking you are acting violently.


The knowledge of the word of God is the most precious possession one can have. It is a very important spiritual asset for man, in the world. It can keep your body, give new parts, increase your wealth, enhance your peace and so on. The one which gives the others, upon losing, is the greatest benefit of possession.

16 December 2010

Power of peace

     Peace is sought by everybody. Everybody thinks their peace lies in 'somewhere'. Nobody has seen peace with their eyes, but expect peace to be 'visible' to them.
     Peace has been a concept of conquest among many people and nations. Even the Indian political leader who led the nation to independence, Mahatma Gandhi, had pursued peace. The theme behind his efforts against the British rule had been peace. The very vision behind the efforts had been peace; the very method handled was peace. Non-violence had been the method, to be with the terms used by himself.
     If peace has so much value, it cannot be separated from mankind, to produce anything of a high value. We need not seek peace. Peace is within the self. One thing we need to know more about is the giver of peace.

     The 'person' behind the offering of peace is Jesus. The Bible calls Him, the Prince of Peace. Yes, Jesus came to bring peace into the hearts ravaged by worldliness. What had been sought from material things, was given through a Person, Jesus.
     The Bible speaks about 'true peace'. What is true peace? The peace which is derived out of nothing and which is not given to material thing is true peace. If you find peace in music, noise would take away your peace. If you take pills to produce peace, the pills would kill you. Don't be offended at these statements. These are real. When you have found the true peace, you can make out easily, the falsehood in the peace offered by the world. I mean, every material thing in the world, is called worldly, by the Bible.
     The Bible contains truths, which are effective in producing peace in your lives. Mind you, how you receive benefit from a medicine is how you take it. You do not leave off your medicine for 5 days after taking it for a week. You know you have to take it regularly.
     Let me show a piece of the Scripture on peace.

John 8:32 AKJV
     And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

What does this verse indicate?

1. You have to seek for truth.
2. You shall be set free upon knowing the truth.

     When you find the truth, the truth will set you free. If you have found that medicines gave you relief from tension, then you have found something that is true, but true in the worldly way. It would be true, if you had the right prescription, right tablet, right diet, right this, right that and so on.

     The Bible clearly says that Jesus came to teach the truth for the needs of every man. The point which is confusing to many is that, in this world nobody is true. It is useless to depend on people for truth. Everybody in the flesh (physical body) are prone to go away from truth. I do not say in a manner to condemn the flesh. I do not condemn anybody. You can ask yourself, "Am I truthful? Did I ever go wrong anywhere?"

     We are all prone to faults. We keep ourselves on a process of correcting on a daily basis, to keep ourselves free from faults.

     Then that means, truth cannot be given by a physical thing. It is to be given by a superior thing. God is the author of peace. God gave Jesus to mankind, so that he can depend upon His teachings for spreading peace. If you have found peace by reading this article, please share your comments. It can help to improve to help many people.

Updated on January 18, 2011

Psalm 37:11 NIV
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.

We have to consider the following facts hidden in this statement.

1. You have to acknowledge that somebody has to work and produce fruits from the land. God does not say that they would inherit the fruits of labour, those who earn for themselves. Do not be quick to misunderstand the great truth which the Bible is revealing it. The rich will have their possession for long, only to give away to those who inherit. You have to do the following.
2. Expect peace. When you seek this higher spiritual gift of God, you are sure to receive something which is called the fruit of labour of men. What you need is to 'keep your meekness'. The year 2011-2020, man-kind is going to see bloodshed. Those who are depending on entertainment for pleasure and politicians to do good for their families, will have to be stupefied. Those who are supposed to do what they should do will get dumbfounded because God is going to move powerfully. You will never know what you will get, if only you keep your peace.


     Every person goes through 4 stages in his prayer life. The 4 stages are actually marking 4 different spiritual levels in his life.

STAGE #1 Baby prayer

    A baby cries after it's parents for nourishment and does make known of it's needs to them. Often it cries also for other needs such as changing diapers, for change of place, etc.

STAGE #2 Child prayer

    A child doesn't cry for his needs but rather 'begs' for his requirement. We have seen children trying to cry out their souls for a balloon, toy, etc.

STAGE #3 Adolescent prayer

    An adolescent person asks in more or less requests for something wit hesitation from his parents. He probably would have in his mind whether whatever he asks will be given or not. For example, a youth may question in his mind, of receiving the requested amount of money.

STAGE #4 Adult prayer

    An adult speaks out to his father's servants in a manner of expressing demands concerning what he can receive from his parents. A person who knows what his parents owe him doesn't seek them to provide for it.

14 December 2010


Psalms 1:1
     Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

Let us see the terms used in this Scripture.
counsel - advice
ungodly - those who are alien to God
sinners - who care about the things of the world
scornful - those who despise (treat as low) the things of God

What not to do?
It is not good to follow the advice of the ungodly.
It is not good to stand in a place full of sinners.
It is not good to sit in a place who disrespect God.

What then to do?
It is good to follow the advice of the godly.
It is good to stand in a place full of the righteous.
It is good to sit in a place who respect God.

This verse speaks about a SIT, STAND and SPEAK rule.
SIT not in place who disrespect God.
STAND not in a place full of sinners.
SPEAK not to know from unbelievers.

The above truth are taken from the book called Psalms in the Bible. The chapter from which this verse is taken is the first. This book is a collection of chapters which are in the format of worship and praise to God, but convey meaning to the reader.

13 December 2010

3 Things that God wants you to do PART 2

Acts 3:19 AKJV
    Repent you therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

What does the above verse teach us to do?

1. Repent
2. Enjoy the refreshment you get from God

Why should I repent?

You may ask why should you repent. You may ask what is repentance.
Well, I have something to tell you concerning this. If you have heard a Christian preacher or a Bible Teacher speak about this matter, and if you have got offended, you got it wrong. Repentance is submission.  Repentance is acceptance. Repentance is deliverance.

Now what is submission?

Submission is an act of giving our control to a higher authority. Basically, what do you do when your pressures increase above your head level? You pray. Yes, everyone prays! When you are in a pressure-state which is not controllable, you tend to seek someone who is invisible, yet more powerful and omniscient. We invariably seek the supernatural. It has almost become like a human instinct. The truth as well as the secret behind is the nature of the human self. Read my article concerning spirit, soul and body on earlier posts, you will find some detail concerning this.

What is acceptance?

When you cannot handle something, you tend to accept someone's effort or support. That's acceptance. When you are no longer depending only on your resources, you start depending on someone's resources. We tend to accept others' resources, if ours' don't fill the situation.

What is deliverance?

When you submit and accept, you expect you to be delivered. The same way when you submit and accept God, you get delivered. This is the way of receiving refreshment from God: submit..., accept..., get delivered; by acting thus, receive refreshment.
You may ask,"Well I never saw God, nor angels nor miracles... how can I deal with this?"
The very statement which you make by saying this, is a secret. God is full of secrets. If you like secrets, God is the place where you will find a lot. A man who is able to learn 'secrets' from God can move powerfully on this earth. Well, if you don't know anything about God, don't try finding or experimenting about these - secrets of somebody are fit to be shared by the person, in this case it is God.

Well. what's so secret about God being hidden from our eyes?

I think it needs time [or in our communicative language, patience] to understand this 'secret'. But for any reason, don't just think that God doesn't exist. The Bible says, "Seek, and you shall find"

To proceed further, it may be well if you have a Bible. Or for some people for the time being, I myself will give the scriptures. Read the scriptures and believe me, you can [through them] start unlocking secrets by yourself. Yes! The first most important secret is that you must read the Bible. Read it, and you will know it.

Matthew 7:7
    Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you:

Now that we have started with the Bible, we shall soon see what is Bible, what are these chapters and numbers. Please follow through... and let me know if you have something to share.

So, according to Acts 3:19, (look above) when you repent, you shall be converted for the purpose of your sins may be blotted out (deleted), when the times of refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord.

Let me explain in an amplified manner: When you repent [by submitting yourself to God], you shall be converted for the purpose of your sins may be blotted out [because sins are a barrier to attachment with God] and thus you shall enjoy the times of refreshing from God.
Sins are a barrier to communication with God. God is not sinful and He dislikes sins. He doesn't dislike you! Many people think God dislikes them for their sins. This is foolishness! This is absolute foolishness. You are a creation of God. You do not know God as yet, but because of that you should not believe God doesn't like you. Sin is a big topic and we do not go into it in detail now, make yourself free and relax... God loves you!

This message may not appeal immediately to everyone. Take time and read this!

Be careful to observe the instructions.

1. Repent
2. Allow God to convert you so that your sins may be blotted out.
3. Upon following the above 2 steps, receive your time of refreshment.


Pray along with me, if you want your time of refreshing from God.
"God, I come into your presence after reading this message. I have understood this message, and henceforth I come into Your presence. Please teach me the words in this message. You love me, and you want me to receive my time of refreshing. I want to receive refreshment, God. I want to receive it from your Hands. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen." 

Do not think something marvelous may happen immediately. Keep your patience and wait. You, according to the statement made in the prayer, must understand the message. Keep this message. Take a print-out of it and keep it at your study table. Spend 10 minutes with it each day.

Introduction to Spirit, soul and body

The world is after material things - they are all which satisfy the needs of the physical body. Anything that appeals to and satisfies the physical body is known as 'carnal thing'. A carnal thing is of the flesh and to the flesh.
It is true that one needs the things of the flesh. Everybody needs food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, shelter to stay in, etc., but they are all only feeding your physical self. They aren't reaching the inner 'you'. What is this 'you' inside?
There are 3 parts of a human: body, soul and spirit. Now, for your convenience sake, I arranged in a way so that your mind can understand. But actually, with respect to importance to functionality within a human being, the spirit lies first, soul next and body last.
People tend to confuse with these terms when they hear someone speak about these. They don't believe they have a spirit, because they cannot see it through their eyes.
The truth is that you cannot 'see' a spirit.


The diagram which you see above is a pictorial representation of your being. It is represented in the form of circles, for better understanding.

The spirit is the (your) inner being, soul - the middle and body - the outer.

SPIRIT The spirit is the life giving substance which is not made of material substance. I give here no definition, but in a way in which you can understand. It is a substance which is not made up of atoms, molecules and matter. (This is why scientists do not come to a conclusion with respect to the existence of spirit). If it cannot be made up of atoms, molecules and matter, it cannot be perceived through senses. You cannot see a spirit. You cannot hold on to a spirit. You cannot lock up a spirit in a suitcase or a box. Even if you do, your lock system cannot hold it long enough to satisfy you.

SOUL This is a subject where science comes in handy with respect to understanding it more clearly. This subject, which I am trying to put forth is not against science. It is a science in itself, which could not be tackled by other sciences. The soul is that which the spirit uses to communicate with the flesh.

BODY This is where science works so well, that there are many branches evolved out by studying the human body. This part is made up of atoms, molecules and matter. You can 'see' a body, 'feel' it and carry it. It is physical and hence subject to physical force and modifiable by external agents like wind, rain, sunshine, etc. We can learn lot about body from doctors. The study of doctors, medicinal practitioners and others is valid, but limited to this realm, where a physical object modifies the body. If you are interested in this topic, you may comment. If you want to know more about this subject, please contact me.

11 December 2010

3 Things that God wants you to do PART 1

Do you want to have refreshing time?


Acts 3:19 AKJV
      Repent you therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Are you going through a period of stress, depression and anxiety?
Do you need someone to remove pressure from your shoulders?
Do you feel annoyed with the rising difficulties which you cannot find solution by yourself?

The answer is that you will not be able to carry out everything by yourself.
God did not make you to carry the pressures yourself.
Do you then feel to ask, "I cried out to God, but I did not receive any help"?


There are tens and thousands of people living in this world, who know about God. They all know God exists. Well, some say it as a 'higher power', 'nature', 'force', etc. Even if their terminology differ, they speak about the same God. The interesting part of it is,

1. God is a higher power
2. God is natural
3. God exerts force

Well, above all of these, the truth is that, GOD IS A PERSON.

Only a person can exert force, control nature and apply force.

Only this God capable of doing such things can solve your problem.
Even if you have not found any clue, the God whom you seek exist.
God is real. He is potent. He is powerful. He is caring & loving. Just seek Him and you will find Him.

To follow Jesus, you need to know more about Him.

The Holy Spirit is a Person whom God has given to be with the world.

We say it is the holy book of Christians, but it is more.

For more details contact dinesh_miracles@yahoo.com